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Let the word of Christ dwell in you

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” (ESV)

It is wonderful to start the new year with a right attitude towards the Words of Christ, because this will surely help to determine our success, joy, our worship and service to Him-and all the other essential things that pertain to life. The Psalmist also reminds us that we will do good to ourselves if we allow the Word of God to guide us every step of the way (Psalms 119:9). It also says that if we make our hearts as a storehouse of God’s Words it will be the best way to avoid sinning (119:11).

Two key words we will consider today: Commend and Cheer. Another two next time.

First, let the Words of Christ ‘commend’ you. If you read Revelation Chapters 2&3 you will notice that in these 7 letters to the 7 churches in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), our Lord after giving salutation, spoke more words of commendation to at least 6 of the churches. Christ’s words strongly demonstrate to us that it is more positive and affirmative - and that He looks for the best in us. Let the Words of Jesus dwell in our hearts richly, because they will serve to commend and encourage us to daily examine ourselves.

Second, allow the Words of Christ to Cheer you up. We are all ‘fragile’ beings. We easily get discouraged. It is easy to become weary in well-doing. We often face the uphill struggles of life as we consistently carry the burden set before us. Let me remind you that ‘discouragement’ is one of the strategies Satan uses to bring about our personal defeat. During those times of hopelessness and despair - remember you are not Alone. Just like Christ during His temptations and difficulties, He remembered the Word of God.

Just like in any sports, we need a ‘cheer leader’ – to encourage, to cheer us up in times when we face huge hindrances in living a victorious Christian life. Christ is our best example when facing difficulties in life.

So, let the Words of Christ dwell in your hearts. Meditate on His Word - this will help you to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice to be holy. All by grace, blessings!


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