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Brevity of Life

A week ago we celebrated my Mother-law’s 100th birthday. It was awesome! Few days before her birthday, she received greetings from Queen Elizabeth, the Governor General of Australia, Prime Minister and the Premiere of South Australia. It was a great honour, but the greatest honour, of course was that she was surrounded by her loving family. She was so happy. My Father-in- law went to be with the Lord in heaven 28 years ago. She was a widow for many years. The grace of God and the love of her family sustains her.

We can say with the Psalmist 23:1, 6

“The LORD is my shepherd;

I shall not want…. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever.”

Truly God’s loving-kindness was our mother’s portion all the days of her life…and there are more in the coming days. I said to my wife Annie, “now Mum can aim for 101.” Our life is in the loving hands of our Saviour.

This reminds me of Psalms 90:1-12

“Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.

2 Before the mountains were brought forth,

Or ever You had formed the earth and the world,

Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.

3 You turn man to destruction,

And say, “Return, O children of men.”

4 For a thousand years in Your sight

Are like yesterday when it is past,

And like a watch in the night.

5 You carry them away like a flood;

They are like a sleep.

In the morning they are like grass which grows up:

6 In the morning it flourishes and grows up;

In the evening it is cut down and withers…

10 The days of our lives are seventy years;

And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,

Yet their boast is only labour and sorrow;

For it is soon cut off, and we fly away…

12 So teach us to number our days,

That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Reader, Have you ever thought about the brevity of life? Are you sure you are going to heaven when your life on earth is over? Please consider reading John14:6. May God give us wisdom to live for His glory moment by moment? He would always sustain us by His grace. All by grace and by grace alone.


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Multicultural Christian Fellowship of Australia is an independent, evangelical Christian Church based in Darwin, Northern Territory. The Fellowship started as a small Bible Group in February 1994. In June 1995, the Fellowship was registered as Not-for-Profit Christian Organisation in the Northern Territory. Today, MCF is supporting missionary works in Australia, Burma, India, Israel, Jordan, Philippines and Thailand.  MCF is also registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission.


+61488 427 014 | +61491 362 565


2 Earhart Court, Marrara 0800 Northern Territory, Australia

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