2020: Build our future for the Glory of God

Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
One translation says, “His goodness and unfailing love shall pursue me all the days of my life…” This is our last day for 2019 A.D. We often say,” God is good to me today”. “Or last year?” How about yesterday, was He bad? Or the other year? Is there such a time that God is not good. Or can you say, “God is good all the time?”
In his book ‘In the Grip of Grace’ Max Lucado mentioned how his oldest daughter fell into a swimming pool when she was two years old. A friend saw her and pulled her to safety. The following morning Max recorded in his journal – how thankful he was to God for saving his daughter. Then suddenly, as clearly as if God was speaking to him, and this question came to his mind
“Would I be any less a good God for calling her home?
Would I still be receiving your praise this morning had I not saved her?”
We are not alone in these experiences. Even the great apostle Paul prayed for the ‘thorn in the flesh’ – the pain he experienced – may be his eyes, sexual temptation, his temper and impulsive nature, or maybe he had a problem relating to people’ or may be all the sufferings he mentioned in 2 Cor.11:22-29. God’s only answer was: “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness” ((2 Cor.12:9). Do you think God’s goodness and mercy and loving kindness did follow Paul all the days of his life? Was he content? He prayed for healing for others. But why did God not heal his eyes? Yet Paul had so much spiritual insight. While people were watching what was going on around them, Paul was seeing visions and revelations, too great for words to explain. (2 Cor. 12:3-4)
How about his ability to speak to a great crowd of people? Everyone loves the approval of a crowd of people? Everyone loves the approval of a crowd – especially when they clap their hands and say “That was a great sermon” “you are a great speaker”.
But God has a way of making Paul humble. Whatever the affliction – this thorn in his flesh – it was there for a purpose. And Paul knew it… “to keep me from becoming conceited.” The Lord who is displeased with this man’s pride did everything necessary to keep Paul from becoming proud. Because of this God simply told Paul “My grace is sufficient for you.” My love, my grace is enough.
In your case his answer is the same “My grace if sufficient for you.” My love, my mercy, my faithfulness is enough. Is God still good? Of course, He will never change. Goodness is His nature, His attribute, one of His characteristics. He is an unchanging God. Our circumstances may change, our physical make up may change etc. but God never changes.
We cannot change the past, (what took place in 2019), but we can build our future for the glory of God. Life is not always a bed of roses, there are thorns as well. That is the reality of life!
However, we can face 2020 with confidence in the goodness of God and say with the Psalmist again, “Surely goodness and His unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
May God bless you as you look forward for the New Year? Keep trusting because His grace is sufficient for you. All by grace and by grace alone!