God's first move

In the preface of his book, The Great Dance, Kruger( p. 8) mentioned two things that he knew for a long time. Let me quote his own beautifully written words, with thankful recognition of his work: ‘the first is that there is an invisible river flowing through this phenomenon we call “life.” It is a river of glory and abounding fullness, of passion and goodness, beauty and joy. As I have thought about it through the years, I have come to think of the river more as a dance, a great dance, which somehow is shared with us and fills out lives and all things, and at the same time, is constantly distorted. The second thing I have always known is that this great dance is related to God. But for the life of me, I could never understand how this could be so. “God,” to me, was an abstract, austere Omni-being somewhere up there in the heaven, or worse, he was a legalist, who cared only about His rules. So the central question of my life has been one about the relationship between God and the great dance. How are they related? What is the connection between God, the great dance and our humanity? In the end this the question about human life and the mystery of its intersection with the life of God.”
In the next paragraph he said that his book, The Great Dance is the ‘report’ of his discovery. He said, “For in my journey, I have revisited the central truth of Christianity-the Trinity and the incarnation-and rediscovered the face and heart of God (that is beautiful, my emphasis). The great dance is all about the abounding life-the fellowship and togetherness, the love and passion and joy-shared by the Father, Son and Spirit. The incarnation is the staggering act of this God, reaching out to share their great dance with us. Our humanity is the theatre in and through which the great dance is played out in our lives, and human history is the harrowing experience through which we are educated as to the truth of our identity.” (ibid)
There are many men and women who have discovered the truth of the Gospel and found meaning and purpose for living. Our loving Saviour Jesus said these words, “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (Jn.10:10, NKJV).
Let me tell you as God’s masterpiece-Joy and God go together. Is this not the longing of your heart?
Augustine said it in the 4th century, “My soul is restless, until I find rest in Thee.”
The main reason is because God has put eternity in our hearts (Ecc.3:11). God made men for His eternal purpose, and absolutely nothing, after the fall can bring complete satisfaction.
This is the reason as to why the second Person of the Trinity became a human being to reconnect, restore, the fallen masterpiece to the joy and fellowship of the Triune God.
God made the first move so that we might reconnect to him. That “move” is called grace. All by grace and by grace alone. Please trust Him!