Oct 28, 2019
His grace is more than enough
I would like to exalt the grace of God at this moment in time. I am astounded by people’s love and special greetings on my 73rd birthday....

Aug 31, 2019
God's first move
In the preface of his book, The Great Dance, Kruger( p. 8) mentioned two things that he knew for a long time. Let me quote his own...

Jan 3, 2019
We are God's masterpiece
When one trusts Christ as Saviour and Lord, the process of moulding him into a beautiful human being begins. His broken relationship and...

Sep 16, 2018
The Blessed Man part 5
A godly person has a wonderful and a blessed final destiny according to Psalm 1: 6. The godly will not perish. This is compatible with...

Sep 1, 2018
The Blessed man
Read Psalm 1:1-6. Sometimes it is difficult to know a person’s integrity and character. It is only by the evidence of their fruit that we...

Jul 25, 2018
Christians in Unity
There is a sense that Christians should strive to function properly together. In other words we should work harder in order to...

Jul 10, 2018
It is safe to suggest that humility is one of the essential teachings Paul made in these three passages. His emphasis is “humility”. It...

Feb 24, 2018
God's Plan
Again please read Rom.8:28. Today I would like to emphasise the word ‘together.’ This means that all our experiences in our lives as...

Oct 26, 2017
Knowing the Greatest Artist (Part 3)
This is a continuation about knowing our God, the Great Artist. We are exhorted in Psalms and Proverbs: “The fear of the Lord is the...