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MCFA Church Camp 2024

June 7 - 10 2024


Rekindle: Restoring our Faith Together

A learning from the book of Nehemiah

"...For the people who worked with all their heart." 
- Nehemiah 4:6

Session 1: Identifying the need (Nehemiah 1)

Session 2: Planning Carefully (Nehemiah 2)

Session 3: Dealing with Opposition and Frustration (Nehemiah 2,4 & 6)

Session 4: Working as a Team (Nehemiah 3 & 11)

Session 5: Leading through service (Nehemiah 5)

Session 6: Showing Faith & Commitment (Nehemiah 8,9 & 10)

Session 7: Persevering and Maintaining Focus (Nehemiah 13)

Camp Gallery

Images and video 


Multicultural Christian Fellowship of Australia is an independent, evangelical Christian Church based in Darwin, Northern Territory. The Fellowship started as a small Bible Group in February 1994. In June 1995, the Fellowship was registered as Not-for-Profit Christian Organisation in the Northern Territory. Today, MCF is supporting missionary works in Australia, Burma, India, Israel, Jordan, Philippines and Thailand.  MCF is also registered with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission.


+61488 427 014 | +61491 362 565


2 Earhart Court, Marrara 0800 Northern Territory, Australia

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